What is the best way to lose belly fat??


Here are Top 10  tips on how to lose that Jelly Belly!!!

1.  Get moving!  

Cardiovascular exercise like Power Walking, jogging, swimming, treadmill, cross trainer is all important!!

2. Crunches dont help! 

You have to lose the fat percentage first before you start doing the crunches!

3. Start Drinking!

At least 2 litres of filtered water is very critical to lose weight.  Fat deposits can be flushed out by drinking clean fresh water with a few drops of lemon!

4. Lose all Fried Foods!

All fried foods will add on fat to your belly as well as all the other areas of your body!  Avoid fried foods for a week and you will start seeing a difference!

5. Divorce Fizzy drinks!

Throw out all fizzy drinks permanently and you will be doing your belly a major favour!  The sugars and the fizz from the drinks, helps to increase your cravings and gives you a feeling of being bloated!  Try substituting fizzy drinks with water!!

6.  Bye Bye Sugar!

Let go of everything with artificial sugars.  Instead substitute with natural sugars like fruits wheneve ryou have cravings!

7. Bin the Processed foods!

Eliminate processed foods like chocolates, biscuits, cakes, pastries, croissants etc instead opt for the more healthy options like wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, vegetables etc

8.  Keep it clean!

Choose foods that are clean and oil free.  Foods that have sauces, cream, spices etc are usually loaded with lots of calories and will leave you feeling bloated and uncomfortable.  Opt for healthily cooked - grilled, baked, pan fried options!!

9. Stock up on supplements!

It is critical to have your basic vitamins everyday!  Lack of vitamins and minerals in your body will lead you to have various cravings for sweets, savoury options and the need to nebble regularly!

10.  Start snacking!

Three  meals and 2 small snacks a day will keep your meatabolism boosted and help you to lose weight and especially the belly fat!  Make sure you have healthy snacks though like nuts, seeds, fruits and other healthy low calorie options!
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