Start Indulging in Yoga for Multiple Benefits of Yoga Asana


Choosing to start up with yoga is a thought in itself. Do not be scared! Here is the thing you'll need to keep in mind and begin to enjoy the benefits of yoga.

Yoga for Beginners:

It is really easy to be distracted by what Yoga may offer you. But if you are someone who wants the best way to keep yourself healthy and free of infirmity, then you must go and start doing Yoga. One thing you need to take care of is that do yoga only when your stomach is empty in the morning. It will have more of good effect if you do it in a proper way and are dedicated towards it. You can also take help of a yoga instructor so that you become good in having the desired postures. Let's go through some of the poses which can be done without giving much pain to your body.
• Tadasana - This yoga asana is also called mountain pose. You can perform this asana by:
1. Standing upright with your feet joining.
2. Then open out your toes.
3. Raise your Knees
4. Extend your arms and shoulders in down position
5. And last breath in and breathe out calmly for at least 30 seconds.
• Uttanasana - This yoga asana is also called forward bend pose. You can perform this asana by: 

> Standing straight and breathing out.
> Now bend yourself forward.
> Make your feet parallel to your hips.
> Widen up your shoulder.
> And now inhale.
> Do this process for 60 seconds.
• Trikonasana - This yoga asana is also called triangle pose. You can perform this asana by:
> Widen up your legs up to 3 feet. Make a right angle with your right foot.
> Try to close the gap slowly with left foot.
> Now inhale slowly and lift your upper body
> Bend sideways and breathe out.
> Breathe for 30 seconds and then repeat the process using the other side.

• Savasana - This yoga asana is also called corpse pose. You can perform this asana by:
> Taking arms from hips for a min of 2 feet. It should face the upward direction.
> Flatten your legs together. And roll out your feet on the sides.
> Then relax completely. Stop thinking about anything. It often acts as a stress buster.
> Now breathe for 10 minutes.
It removes body pains by relaxing the muscles of the body. It helps in improving stamina and your strength. It helps you relax your body making it easier for the body to take rest. It acts as a stress buster and makes angry people calm. Beginners should definitely start doing some asana and get a better personality. It will definitely change your view point about life.

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