How to Start Doing Yoga

Yoga is an ancient art which has been practiced in India for more than 5000 years. Its only in the recent years that Yoga has gained popularity among the westerners. Practicing yoga will not only exercise your body but also your mind. A certified kundalini yoga instructor and medical director of Amrit Davaa Wellness Center, California tells" Yoga is a healing system of theory and practice. The purpose of Yoga is to create strength, awareness, and harmony in both the mind and body" Dr. Nevins is an osteopathic physician who focuses on the body's ability to heal itself. She advises her patients to follow the principles of Yoga for staying healthy.

The yoga postures are called asanas. The asanas are linked with breathing. When you concentrate on a posture and learn how to breathe while doing a particular posture, it becomes a powerful form of meditation. Regular practice of yoga, increases the fitness level of your body, reduces the levels of stress and increases feelings of happiness and well being.

The Different Types of Asanas include

  1. Lying postures - This is divided into on your back postures and on your stomach postures
  2. Sitting postures where you can sit on your heels and perform the postures. Those who are suffering from knee joint pain can sit with their legs folded.
  3. Standing postures is divided into standing on your legs and standing on your head.

Things you Should Know

- Yoga incorporates gentle exercises, breathing practices called pranayama and meditation.
- The asanas are preformed with breath awareness.
- The health benefits of yoga are numerous. It improves blood circulation and increases a sense of well being.

Can Anyone Practice Yoga?

Regardless of age and fitness level, anyone can practice yoga. However, it should be practiced under the guidance of an experienced yoga instructor. He would be able to tell you what Asanas to practice as per your health and fitness condition. An asana should not cause pain. Therefore, if there is any pain, relax a bit, do not overstretch or over exert yourself. If the pain is unbearable you don't do it at all. A point worth mentioning here is you should know your physical limits and keep within its limits. It is not necessary that all your postures should be perfect. An ideal yoga instructor never expects perfect postures from his trainees.

Things you Need to Perform Yoga

A quiet place which is bright and airy
Wear comfortable and loose clothes. Preferably, a loose T-shirt and track pants.
You need a Yoga mat or a thick rug.
If you are suffering from any ailments let your Yoga teacher know about the same.
Last but not the least do not talk in the class. Maintaining silence will help you concentrate on your breathing frequencies and also make you aware of your body movements.

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