First Steps to Healing Your Body From Within Always Starts With Knowledge


Firstly, acknowledging that you no longer wish to be a part of the 'charade of being' - but having compassion for those who know no different - for they know not what they do. Many are just plain crooked. They have yet to come face to face with themselves where the grimace they will see and the illusion they labour under is soon to drag them to their knees. Believe me, ultimately each and every one of us sees the error of our ways. It is only a matter of time.
You have heard Mahatma Gandhi's words, "You become what you eat". He was right - you become dead because much of the food people eat is dead - it follows. But you also become what you think - if you think fear and impending death coupled with an inability to change what you eat - your body dies and you cease to exist on this plane!
Changing thoughts and the approach to nutritional intake is the first step to a long and disease-free life.The 'old way' is no longer the way. Seeing the light is the release mechanism. Seeing the world in a different light is just a matter of changing the mind. Realisation is just this - seeing the planet through 'real-eyes'. Seeing the food on the plate before you through new eyes knowing that you have chosen to forsake the senses and allow the body to reveal its nutritional needs to you.
Live and natural foods which are known to make a major difference to one's health let me ponder a few thoughts around the subject of 'knowledge'. There is no such thing as 'finite knowledge'. No one person, group, political, religious or even sporting persuasion that has an exclusive franchise over 'knowledge'.
'Knowledge is' what it means to each of us as an individual and we choose to make decisions based on threads of information we already have within us or have learnt along the way. We have the power to discern - you must start using it more and question, question. This is why I find it remarkably arrogant of self-help gurus, doctors and specialists who proclaim that their knowledge is finite and the be all and end all. It is not! This article is a viewpoint - an opinion of fact relevant to me and made relevant, or otherwise, by those of you who read these words.
This is why these words are about proffering choices and options NOT postulation or grandstanding. It's about down to earth OPTIONS. So called traditional (allopathic), which I actually refer to as non-traditional medicine, actually has a legitimate place. A lot of amazing things have come from this area of healthcare BUT a lot of well-intended findings have bound up society in a consensual belief system hailed as being the truth, when in fact it is not. Under the guise of science we have been led to believe that certain information is finite. Take a moment to ponder that even some of Einstein's theories, and that's all they were in the first place - theories, are now being disproved

Source: EzineArticles
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