Help Your Child Become Healthy: Tips for Preventing Childhood Obesity


Unhealthy lifestyle, lack of exercise, and the availability of unhealthy foods are some of the main reasons why childhood obesity is becoming a public concern. In the United States, it is estimated that around 16% to 18% of children and adolescence are obese. In fact, obesity is being considered as the prevailing nutritional disorder among the children in the country.
It is important that parents help their children deal with this disorder as early as possible to prevent complications. Obese children have greater chance of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure. They also have higher risk of developing bone problems, sleep apnea, and joint problems. Obesity also increases the risk of children from developing multiple myeloma and some types of cancer such as colon, breast, and prostate cancer. Various genetic disorders are also being associated with obesity including Down syndrome, Tuner syndrome, and Prader-Willi syndrome.
With regards to mental health, obese children tend to have low self-esteem and poor self-confidence. They are also more prone to bullying and teasing in schools. Due to the multiple effects of obesity in the physical and emotional health of children, parents should do their best to prevent their children from becoming obese. These can be done by:

Having Healthy Food Choices

The foods that parents choose to serve to their children greatly influence their food preferences. If parents always serve oily or foods with high caloric content, there is a greater chance that children will constantly ask for that same food. What parents can do is to serve their children with meals that contain lean meats, poultry, vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. For snacks they can trade their child sweet treats with healthy snack foods such as low-fat pretzels, whole grain cookies, and fresh fruits.
As much as possible, parents should prevent themselves to keep unhealthy snacks and foods in the house. However, they should not deprive their children the opportunity to have occasional treats. No matter how busy their morning life is, parents should make sure that their children have something healthy to eat for breakfast.

Encouraging Children to Exercise

Exercise is one of the best ways to be healthy. It is a good idea if parents participate in various activities with their children. Not just because it will keep their body healthy, but because it can serve as a great bonding activity for them. It would be better if parents limit the time their children spend in playing video games, surfing the internet, or watching television. This will give children extra time to perform other activities.

Being a Good Example

Parents who are living a healthy lifestyle are more likely to influence their children to do the same. It is advisable that parents educate their children about the importance of having proper nutrition and regular exercise. This way, children can still make good choices and wise decisions even with minimal guidance from their parents.
Childhood obesity is hard to be completely eradicated. However, with proper guidance from parents and with the help of the above tips, this growing public concern can still be controlled.


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